How to make Barberry with rice and saffron chicken.

Make Barberry with rice and saffron chicken

  • Ingredients: The required amount
  • Rice: 4 modules
  • Chicken: 4 pieces
  • Cubes chopped onion: 1
  • Turmeric: 1 jam spoon
  • Tomato paste: 1 tablespoon
  • Salt: 1 tablespoon
  • Dense brewed saffron: 4 tablespoon
  • Lemon Juice: 1 tablespoon
  • Rose water: 1 tablespoon
  • Barberry: 1 module
  • Sugar: 2/3 tablespoon
  • Pistachio slices: 100g
  • Butter: 50 g

Barberry with rice CHIKEN

How to make Barberry with rice and saffron chicken.

  • Phase 1:

For the first step of making barberry with rice and chicken, you should wash the chicken piece gently and completely and make some tiny scratches on them

  • Phase2:

Wash a big onion and chop it into cubic little pieces. Then fry it in a proper pot.

  • Phase 3:

Add dark pepper, turmeric, and salt to the chopped onions in the pot:

  • Phase 4:

Add chicken to the fried onion and fry them together to be tasty

  • Phase 5:

After the chicken pieces become tasty add 4 glasses of water to it. Be careful that the water should not cover the surface of chicken pieces totally. The sauce of the chicken depends on your taste. It could be waterier or denser.

  • Phase 6:

After 20 minutes of cooking of chicken, it is almost cooked. You can add some water to it and let it be cooked completely

  • Phase 7:

When chicken cooking reaches the proper level. Have a fine pan and pour one tablespoon of oil into it. Then fry tomato paste in the pan. Its smell will change.

  • Phase 8:

Add lemon juice, rose water, and one spoon from saffron to the frying tomato paste

  • Phase 9:

After these materials are mixed completely in the pan add them to the chicken and let them cook together to be tastier.

  • Phase 10:

In this phase, the heat should be mild and let the materials cook together without blending for 10 minutes.

  • Phase 11:

Have 1 spoon of butter and 1 spoon of oil in another pan. This is for rice shine

  • Phase 12:

Put clean barberries, sugar, 1 tablespoon of rosewater, and 1 tablespoon of saffron in the pan with butter and oil. Then, fry them together.

  • Phase 13:

Add some saffron to one skimmer of rice. Also, add it to the fried barberries and mix them. Finally, add some pistachio slices.

  • Phase 14:

Eventually pour these mixed items on the brewed rice and serve the chicken with the sauce.

How to make the best colour of barberry in the cuisine!
To make the best colour of barberry and let it be so bright with the best colour and without flow its colour in the food. You should off the oven when the sugar is melted. You should pay attention that the pistachio slices shouldn’t be added when it is hot in the process of cooking. It will lose its colour.
Also, when we add saffron in another phase and we don’t let the barberry’s colour flow, every material has its own beautiful colour.

The recipe for one of the delicious cuisines, Barberry with rice and saffron chicken

Rice and barberry with chicken
Some tips:
• For making barberry with rice, it’s better to make some holes in the chicken spices and fry them till they become golden in colour. Then, add some spices, onion, and water to it for a better taste of your whole dish. It’s more convenient to use complete onions for making chicken. You can have 2 or 3 small ones.
• You can use turkey instead of chicken if you like
• Instead of using barberry for barberry with rice and saffron chicken you can use barberry powder which is so tasteful
• Use turmeric and salt for cooking the chicken. The chicken in this cuisine should be yellow. So, the consumption of saffron and tomato paste during cooking will change the taste of chicken
• If you like you can remove the chicken skin. However, cooking with the skin make it taste for the better.
• For the better colour of saffron before the butter is melted mix it with barberry and sugar in another pan and warm them a bit. Then add half a cup of water and let it be in the warm oven for some minutes. Thereafter, take it off from the oven.
• Don’t put saffron in the oven for so long. It will lose its flavour.
• The water of the chicken should be dense.
• If you like you can add some sour plums
• For frying the barberries, butter or fresh oil is better.
• When you are frying barberries it’s better to sprinkle some sugar to make them stickier on the rice and more sour-sweet taste. The temperature for frying the barberries should be so medium as the high temperature will dry the barberries. Also, it will stick to our teeth.
• For better taste and colour of saffron it’s better to grind it in the stone or wooden mortar
• For serving the dish pour some pistachio slices on the barberries for the greenness of its colour beside the reddish colour of the barberries.
• This cuisine can be ready in one and a half hours. It needs the same time for preparation. It can be served as lunch and dinner. Also, it is appropriate for midnight supper in Ramadan. This recipe is enough for 5 people.


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