Is Saffron Safe To Have During Pregnancy?

Yes, consuming saffron in pregnancy is safe because it has numerous medicinal properties. It helps to relieve stress, aches and pains, mood swings andpregnancy discomforts. But saffron also has certain adverse effects if taken in large amounts. It can trigger contractions and cause premature delivery. Here are a few precautions to keep in mind when adding saffron to your diet:

  1. Consume saffron only at the onset of the fifth month of gestation, as the pregnancy is stable at this time, and risks of endangering the baby due to premature contractions is reduced .
  2. Use only two to three strands at most in any preparation, as excessive saffron may adversely affect your health.
  3. Saffron for pregnant women should be sourced only from a high-quality vendor to eliminate any risk of artificial colouring or impurities.

Benefits Of Saffron For Pregnant Women

Saffron is essential and highly recommended during your pregnancy because of its medicinal nature. Its primary advantage is that it helps in digestion by forming a protective coating in the digestive tract. When consumed in moderation, the benefits of saffron during pregnancy include the following:

  • 1. Reduced Mood Swings

Pregnancy triggers several hormonal changes in your body, and that has a profound effect on your feelings. You may go from being cranky at one moment to being impulsive or emotional in another. For such times, saffron can come to your rescue. It acts as an anti-depressant and boosts the blood flow to your brain. Consuming saffron results in the production of the hormone serotonin that elevates your mood.

  • 2. Manages Blood Pressure

A woman’s heart rate can speed up by 25% during pregnancy, causing fluctuations in blood pressure. Saffron possesses potassium and crocetin that help in lowering your blood pressure. This feature can be beneficial during pregnancy.

  • 3. Calms Morning Sickness

Morning sickness often leaves you feeling dull and lethargic. Anecdotal evidence proves that saffron infused tea often helps combat nausea and dizziness.

  • 4. Aids In Digestion

Majority of women suffer from stomach aches during pregnancy. Digestion slows down during pregnancy and an expectant mother may require some stimulating agents to ease the process. Saffron is known to boost the blood flow to your digestive system and thus helps to enhance your metabolism. This in turn aids in better digestion. Saffron causes the formation of a protective coating in the digestive tract. This extra layer helps to soothe the gastrointestinal acidity and also lessens the bloating effect.

  • 5. Get Rid Of Cramps

A pregnant woman experiences cramps ranging from mild in the beginning to near severe before delivery. Throughout the pregnancy, the bones and muscles stretch and shift to accommodate the growing baby, and this can cause pains and cramps in the stomach and pelvic joints. Saffron is a natural painkiller. It relaxes the muscles, which helps to relieve stomach pain and soothe the cramps.

  • 6. Protects Against Heart Disease

Saffron has a magical property of protecting you against heart diseases. During pregnancy, women tend to consume more than the required amount of fatty foods to satisfy their increased appetite. This can have a detrimental effect on their cardiovascular system. The antioxidants, crocetin and potassium present in saffron help reduce the triglycerides and cholesterol levels in your body.

  • 7. Increases Iron Levels

During pregnancy, it is highly recommended that you consume iron-rich foods, because your body requires iron to be healthy. Saffron has high iron content and is beneficial in boosting your haemoglobin levels and in forming red blood cells.

  • 8. Cures Respiratory Illness

Saffron possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help dilate the nasal airways. It also reduces the swelling and inflammation in the lungs. As a result, you can breathe clearly. Saffron can also aid pregnant women suffering from asthma by removing any blockage that is present in their lungs and trachea.

  • 9. Reduces Hair-Fall

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy often result in increased hair fall. A widespread practice among many pregnant women is applying a paste of milk, saffron and liquorice to reduce hair fall. The antioxidants in saffron nourish the hair, making it stronger.

  • 10. Aids In Better Sleep

As the pregnancy progresses, sleeping becomes a challenge with the mother tossing and turning all night to comfortably accommodate the growing belly, deal with the effects of hormonal surges and the discomfort of stretching bones. All these factors together cause cramps, pain and discomfort. During such times, you can have saffron infused tea or milk. Saffron contains mild sedative properties that help promote sleep and enable you to feel relaxed. Drinking saffron with milk is known to improve your quality of sleep.

  • 11. Heals Skin Problems

Many women claim that consuming saffron helps them fight common skin problems. These include pimple breakouts, melasma and acne that arise during pregnancy. Saffron is a blood purifier, and is hence an effective solution to skin problems caused by impurities in the blood.

  • 12. Helps Avoid Congestion Due To Allergies

Often, your immune system is compromised during pregnancy. You become vulnerable to infections and allergies as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Saffron helps in easing your cough, asthma, allergies and nasal congestion. Besides, applying a paste of saffron and sandalwood helps to bring down fever.

  • 13. Experience Movement Of Baby

As per Ayurvedic scriptures, saffron tends to increase your body heat, causing a rise in your body temperature. This, in turn, results in the movement of the baby inside you. It’s always a pleasure to feel your baby move in your womb.

  • 14. Prevents Sore Gums

A surge of hormones often causes sore gums during pregnancy. To get relief, you can use ground saffron to gently massage your gums. This helps to reduce the soreness and sensitivity.

  • 15. Helps In Eye Problems

Saffron is considered very beneficial for good vision. Consuming saffron during pregnancy often helps improve vision, especially in case of cataract.

  • 16. Keeps You Healthy

The potassium present in saffron contributes to keeping the kidney healthy as it maintains a proper electrolyte balance. People who eat a potassium-rich diet have increased bone density and leaner mass. Saffron is an ideal herb for pregnant women as it is rich in folic acid, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin A and C.

  • 17. Healthy Bones

Pregnant women lose calcium at a high rate as the amount of calcium present in their body is utilised for the growth of the baby. Loss of calcium diminishes the bone density and makes the bones brittle and weak. They also lose calcium from teeth, causing tooth decay. In such circumstances, having saffron can be highly beneficial to ensure good health of bones and teeth.


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